Branding and Selling Clinical Services

Clinical Services companies require technical expertise combined with a service mentality that puts the customer first. Translating operational know-how into customer benefits.
Having developed an implemented award winning programs for clinical organizations, HG can help you to define, focus, brand and sell global, regional or local services:
Having developed an implemented award winning programs for clinical organizations, HG can help you to define, focus, brand and sell global, regional or local services:
- Large CRO strategic development
- Mid-tier CRO positioning for fast growth
- Small or emerging CRO needing insights and contacts
- Specialist service providers who are selling to pharma or CRO customers
- Academic organizations or functioal spin-offs seeking to optimize asset value
Connect to HG Partners
Our partners are all experts in healthcare and specifically in clinical services; why waste time training generalist suppliers?
- Brand development, advertising and outbound campaigns
- Scientific and medical writing
- Patient centric strategy
- Market research
- PR
Next Steps?
What are the critical imperatives or challenges that you face to make your clinical services organization grow?
The Higginbotham Group can provide references from customers who have answered these challenges after expert consultation.
- Clarify, focus, align and deploy business strategy across your organization?
- Create a competitive brand and add dollar value to the enterprise?
- Upgrade business development and proposals effectiveness?
- Train and develop teams or key leaders?
- Improve efficiency/margin?
The Higginbotham Group can provide references from customers who have answered these challenges after expert consultation.